
Watch best love video clips page 7

from the most passionate movies of all time, to improve your sense and sensibility and something to make you feel whole and loved.
Waterloo Bridge (1940) video
Waterloo Bridge (1940)
movie with Robert Taylor as Roy Cronin and Vivien Leigh as Myra. Ladies and gentlemen, we now come to the last dance of the evening. I hope you'll enjoy the farewell waltz.
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) video
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
movie with Olivia de Havilland and Errol Flynn. Because I love you, Robin, I'd come. Even the danger would mean nothing if you were with me.
Secrets (1933) video
Secrets (1933)
movie with Mary Pickford as Mary Marlowe and Leslie Howard as John Carlton. Quotes: I cann't stay here. I need to make a fortune for both of us. I'll get it, then come back to you ...
The Quiet Man (1952) video
The Quiet Man (1952)
movie directed by John Ford with Maureen O'Hara as Mary Kate Danaher and John Wayne as Sean Thornton. Quotes: She married well-to-do and loved her darlin' ...
Holiday Inn (1942) video
Holiday Inn (1942)
movie with Marjorie Reynolds as Linda Mason and Bing Crosby as Jim Hardy. Quotes: You don't even give me a chance to say "darling" and throw my arms around you ...
Intersection (1994) video
Intersection (1994)
movie with Sharon Stone as Sally Eastman and Richard Gere as Vincent Eastman.. Quotes: Hotel rooms can be nice. No past. No future. Just impersonal.
Marty (1955) video
Marty (1955)
movie directed by Delbert Mann, with Ernest Borgnine as Marty Piletti and Betsy Blair as Clara Snyder. I love you, and I know you feel lousy, but we're never gonna be happy unless we can work out our own lives.
Meet Joe Black (1998) video
Meet Joe Black (1998)
movie with Claire Forlani as Susan Parrish and Brad Pitt as Joe Black. I could make love to you right here. You're trying to tell me my future, you're looking on the wrong side.
Notorious (1946) video
Notorious (1946)
movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock with Cary Grant as T.R. Devlin and Ingrid Bergman as Alicia Huberman. This is a very strange love affair. Why? Maybe the fact that you don't love me. How do you know?
Forrest Gump (1994) video
Forrest Gump (1994)
movie with Robin Wright as Jenny Curran and Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump. I don't know if we each have a destiny or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze but I think maybe it's both...
Giant (1956) video
Giant (1956)
movie with Rock Hudson as Jordan 'Bick' Benedict and Elizabeth Taylor as Leslie Benedict. Besides you love me very much. That fine mind of yours gets pretty repulsive at times. That's not what you told me.
The Notebook (2004) video
The Notebook (2004)
movie with Ryan Gosling as Noah and Rachel McAdams as Allie. I've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived. I've loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough.
Grease (1978) video
Grease (1978)
movie with Olivia Newton-John as Sandy Olsen and John Travolta as Danny Zuko. But now there's nowhere to hide since you pushed my love aside I'm out of my head hopelessly devoted to you.
Something's Gotta Give (2003) video
Something's Gotta Give (2003)
movie with Jack Nicholson as Harry Sanborn and Diane Keaton as Erica Barry. I finally get what it's all about. I'm in love for the first time in my life. That's what I came here.
Body Heat (1981) video
Body Heat (1981)
movie with William Hurt as Ned Racine and Kathleen Turner as Matty Walker. If you never trusted me again, you'd probably be smart but you must believe one thing. I love you. I love you and I need you.
Manhattan (1979) video
Manhattan (1979)
movie with Woody Allen as Isaac Davis and Diane Keaton as Mary Wilkie. Making love to this deeper, more masterful female made me realize what an empty experience, what a bizarre charade.

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