
Gone With The Wind 14 Mammy online

with movie related dialogues; watch the film part 14, read or download pictures and quotes with snapshot frame from this great passion of all time, a symbol of the golden age of Hollywood; Gone With The Wind 14 dialogues: So I'll change the subject and say what I came to say. Say it, then, and get out! What is it? That I can't go on any longer without you. You are the most ill-bred man to come here at a time like this with your filthy I made up my mind that you were the only woman for me the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks. Now that you've got the lumber mill and Frank's money you won't come to me as you did to the jail. So I see I shall have to marry you. I never heard of such bad taste. Would you be more convinced if I fell to my knees? Turn me loose, you varmint, and get out of here! Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments my dear Scarlett. I mean, my dear Mrs. Kennedy. But it cannot have escaped your notice that for some time past the friendship I have felt for you has ripened into a deeper feeling. A feeling more beautiful, more pure, more sacred. Dare I name it? Can it be love? Get up off your knees. I don't like your common jokes. This is an honorable proposal of marriage made at what I consider a most opportune moment. I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands. You're coarse, and you're conceited. And I think this conversation has gone far enough. Besides, I shall never marry again. Oh, yes, you will, and you'll marry me. You? You? I don't love you! And I don't like being married. Did you ever think of marrying just for fun? Marriage, fun? Fiddle-dee-dee. Fun for men, you mean. Hush up! Do you want them to hear you? You've been married to a boy and an old man. Why not try a husband of the right age, with a way with women? You're a fool, Rhett Butler, when you know I shall always love another man. Stop it! Do you hear me, Scarlett? Stop it! No more of that talk. Rhett, don't, I shall faint. I want you to faint. This is what you were meant for. None of the fools you've known have kissed you like this, have they? Your Charles, or your Frank, or your stupid Ashley. Say you're going to marry me. Say yes. Say yes. Yes. Are you sure you meant it? You don't want to take it back? No. Look at me and try to tell me the truth. Did you say yes because of my money? Well Yes. Partly. Partly? Well, you know, Rhett, money does help, and of course I am fond of you. Fond of me? If I said I was madly in love with you, you'd know I was lying but you always said we had a lot in common Yes, you're right, my dear. I'm not in love with you any more than you are with me. Heaven help the man who ever really loves you. What kind of a ring would you like, my darling? A diamond ring. And do buy a great big one, Rhett. You shall have the biggest and the most vulgar ring in Atlanta. We'll go to New Orleans for the most expensive honeymoon my ill-gotten gains can buy. That would be just heavenly. And I think I'll buy your trousseau for you, too. Rhett, how wonderful, but you won't tell anybody, will you, Rhett? Still the little hypocrite. Aren't you going to kiss me goodbye? Don't you think you've had enough kissing for one afternoon? You're impossible. You can go and I don't care if you never come back. But I will come back. What are you thinking about, Scarlett? I'm thinking about how rich we are. Rhett, I can keep the lumber business too, can't I? Yes, of course you can, if it amuses you. Now that you're rich you can tell everyone to go to the devil as you've always said you wanted to. But you were the main one I wanted to go to the devil. Don't scrape the plate, Scarlett. I'm sure there's more in the kitchen. Rhett, can I have one of those chocolate ones stuffed with meringue? If you don't stop being such a glutton, you'll get as fat as Mammy. Then I'll divorce you. Wouldn't it be nice if you bought something for Mammy, too? Why should I buy her a present when she called us both mules? Mules? Why mules? Yes, she said we could give ourselves airs, and get ourselves all slicked up like racehorses but we were just mules in horse harness and we didn't fool anybody. I never heard anything more true. Mammy's a smart old soul and one of the few people I know whose respect I'd like to have. I won't give her a thing. She doesn't deserve it. Then I'll take her a petticoat. My Mammy always said when she went to heaven she wanted a red taffeta petticoat, so stiff that it would stand by itself and so rustly, the Lord would think it was made of angels' wings. Well, she won't take it from you. She'd rather die than wear it. That may be, but I'm making the gesture just the same. Wake up! Wake up! You were having another nightmare. Oh, Rhett. I was so cold and hungry and so tired I I couldn't find it. I ran through the mist and I couldn't find it. Find what, honey? I don't know. I always dream the same dream and I never know. It seems to be hidden in the mist. Darling. Rhett, do you think I'll ever dream that I've found it and that I'm safe? Dreams don't work that way, but when you get used to being safe and warm you'll stop dreaming that dream. And, Scarlett, I'm going to see that you are safe. Would you do something for me if I asked you? You know I would. Will you take me away from here? Don't you like New Orleans? I love New Orleans, but I want to go home and visit Tara. Will you take me to Tara? Yes, Scarlett, of course I will. We'll go tomorrow. You get your strength from this red earth of Tara, Scarlett. You're part of it, and it's part of you. Rhett, I'd give anything to have Tara the way it was before the war. Would you? Then go ahead and make it that way. Spend whatever you want, make it as fine a plantation as it ever was. Oh, Rhett. Rhett, you are good to me. And can we still have our big new house in Atlanta? Yes, and it can be as ornate as you want: Marble terraces, stained-glass windows and all. Rhett, won't everyone be jealous? I want everybody who's been mean to me to be pea-green with envy. I don't care. Scarlett's hateful, building that new house just to show off and even taking our servants. Oh, darling, you mustn't think unkindly of her. She's made it possible for us to keep Tara always. Yes, and what good is Tara? She's had three husbands and I'll be an old maid. Great Jehoshaphat! Great Jehoshaphat! Lordsy, we sure is rich now! It ain't quality. But that's ridiculous. Why can't I go in? I'm entitled to at least see what my own child looks like. You control yourself, Mr. Rhett. You'll be seeing it for a long time. I'd like to apologize, Mr. Rhett, about it's not being a boy. Oh, hush your mouth, Mammy. Who wants a boy? Boys aren't any use to anybody. Don't you think I'm proof of that? Have a drink of sherry, Mammy. Mammy, she is beautiful, isn't she? She sure is. Did you ever see a prettier one? Well, sir, Miss Scarlett was mighty nigh that pretty when she come, but not quite. Have another glass, Mammy. What's that rustling noise I hear? Lordsy, Mr. Rhett. That ain't nothing but my red silk petticoat you done give me. Nothing but your petticoat? I don't believe it. Let me see. Pull up your skirt. Mr. Rhett, you is bad. Yeah, oh, Lord! You sure took a long enough time about wearing it. Yes, sir, too long. No more mule in horse's harness? Mr. Rhett, Miss Scarlett was bad telling you about that. You ain't holding that against old Mammy, is you? No, I ain't holding it against you. I just wanted to know. Have another glass, Mammy. Here, take the whole bottle. Dr. Meade says you may go in now, Capt. Butler. This sure is a happy day to me. I done diapered three generations of this family's girls and it sure is a happy day. Oh, yes, Mammy. The happiest days are when babies come. I wish Oh, Mammy, she's beautiful. What do you suppose they'll name her? Miss Scarlett done told me if it was a girl she's going to name it Eugenie Victoria. Yes she's a beautiful baby the most beautiful baby ever. Yes. Do you know that this is your birthday? That you're a week old today? Yes, I'm going to buy her a pony the likes of which this town has never seen. Yes, I'm gonna send her to the best schools in Charleston. Yes. And her'll be received by the best families in the South. And when it comes time for her to marry well, she'll be a little princess. You certainly are making a fool of yourself. And why shouldn't I? She's the first person who's ever completely belonged to me. Great balls of fire! I had the baby, didn't I? It's Melanie. May I come in? Come in, Melly. Yes, come in and look at my daughter's beautiful blue eyes. But, Capt. Butler, most babies have blue eyes when they're born. Don't try to tell him anything. He knows everything about babies. Nevertheless, her eyes are blue and they're going to stay blue. As blue as the Bonnie Blue Flag. That's it. That's what we'll call her. Bonnie Blue Butler. Try again, Mammy.

Chocolate ones stuffed with meringue
Chocolate ones stuffed with meringue
  Gone With The Wind 14 picture
To be pea-green with envy
  Something for Mammy
Something for Mammy
She's had three husbands Yes, and what good is Tara? She's had three husbands and I'll be an old maid.   Image from Gone With The Wind part 14 - We sure is rich now Image from Gone With The Wind part 14 - Great Jehoshaphat! Lordsy, we sure is rich now! It ain't quality.   Try again, Mammy. Try again, Mammy. Twenty inches! I've grown as big as Aunt Pitty.

Gone With The Wind quotes with snapshot frame picture from part 14

Marrying just for fun   Rhett Butler: No more of that talk. Scarlett: Rhett, don't, I shall faint. Rhett Butler: I want you to faint. This is what you were meant for. None of the fools you've known have kissed you like this, have they? Your Charles, or your Frank, or your stupid Ashley. Say you're going to marry me. Say yes. Say yes. Scarlett: Yes. Rhett Butler: Are you sure you meant it? You don't want to take it back? Scarlett: No. Rhett Butler: Look at me and try to tell me the truth. Did you say yes because of my money?
Read the full quotes from Gone With The Wind part 14
I always dream the same dream   Rhett Butler quote: Don't scrape the plate, Scarlett. I'm sure there's more in the kitchen. Scarlett: Rhett, can I have one of those chocolate ones stuffed with meringue? Rhett Butler: If you don't stop being such a glutton, you'll get as fat as Mammy. Then I'll divorce you. Wouldn't it be nice if you bought something for Mammy, too? Scarlett: Why should I buy her a present when she called us both mules?
Read the full quotes from Gone With The Wind part 14
Have a drink of sherry, Mammy   Rhett Butler: Did you ever see a prettier one? Mammy: Well, sir, Miss Scarlett was mighty nigh that pretty when she come, but not quite. Rhett Butler: Have another glass, Mammy. What's that rustling noise I hear? Mammy: Lordsy, Mr. Rhett. That ain't nothing but my red silk petticoat you done give me. Rhett Butler: Nothing but your petticoat? I don't believe it. Let me see. Pull up your skirt.
Read the full quotes from Gone With The Wind part 14

You can also watch on line the others parts of Gone With The Wind: 1 Tara, 2 Twelve Oaks, 3 O'Hara, 4 Ashley, 5 Melanie, 6 Meade, 7 Yankees, 8 Mother, 9 Georgia, 10 Scarlett, 11 Atlanta, 12 Kennedy, 13 Wilkes, 15 Butler, 16 Bonnie, 17 Melly, 18 Rhett.